Critical Decision Making

Make better decisions when under stress

Expand your skillset in high pressure situations.
Prepare yourself with decision making tools that will be critical in your journey.
Stand out from the rest and be the go-to leader in a crisis. 
  • Type: In Person  
  • Location: Client Site
  • No. Delegates: 20 - 4            
  • Duration: 1 day   
  • Language: English    
  • Level: Intermediate            
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Course Description
A masterclass in building a solid framework of decision making when under emotional stress internally or externally. 
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Who this course is for
Designed for entrepreneurs, corporate executives and managers that wish to become better leaders whom can make the right call under pressure
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Depending on group sizing - this 1 day masterclass is customised per group and organisation. Pricing upon request.

Why do we not make the best decisions when we are stressed?

You now have a chance to develop some techniques from some of leading subject matter experts who are experienced in making critical and timely decisions during times of elevated stress. Our team draw on their vast experience and background in running covert operations, major crime and critical incident investigations where rationalised quick thinking is key.

Behavioural Cues presents ‘Critical Decision Making During Elevations of Stress’ a classroom based workshop designed to give leaders and managers the necessary self-tools and skills to make focused and effective decisions whilst experiencing high levels of stress.

Our practical training sessions and workshop enables participants to understand:

  • The science behind the decisions we make whilst under stress;
  • Why do we make fewer sound decisions under stress?;
  • Recognising behavioural bias;
  • Detect and interpret micro-behavioural cues;
  • How do we make better decisions framework

The Interactive workshop scenarios includes:

  • Practice your critical decision making whilst working remotely
  • Showing collective thinking without team member dominance, with all responses anonymised

Benefits from the course includes:

  • Enhance judgement and decision-making during uncertainty
  • Recognise why decisions making can become cumbersome under stress
  • Become confident, self-aware and skilled at framing the problem to solve
  • Build trust in your organisation through calm and measured leadership

James Ellender

James Ellender founded Behavioural Cues after years of practicing and conducting research into aspects of Behavioural Science through his work in covert operations and investigations whilst as a detective in law enforcement. Since 2012 he has been assisting international governments, multi-national organisations and individuals in their capacity building of how to assess indicators and subsequent actions persons display when they are under some level of stress.

James has recently written his dissertation, as part of his MSc in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management on “Do Behavioural Detection Trained Operatives reduce the risk of Terrorist Attacks in Public Spaces?” Behavioural Detection Techniques and Counter-Terrorism strategies is an area of academic study, working as an advocate of and as a trainer that he holds a personal passion and drive for, in order to advance capabilities, and promote the use of these tactics in soft target and vulnerable locations.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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